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Project 2025 is an

Attack on America.

The Mandate For Leadership's "Project 2025" is a 900-page PDF that the Heritage Foundation is hoping nobody other than Trump supporters actually reads. Because if you do, you will see the significantly flawed, narrow, one-sided religious and power-hungry plan they have - already in motion - for taking over the country, destroying our democracy and all that we strive for in this country. This agenda is once again the wealthy white-man's attempt to restore a version of our country that only serves himself. It seeks to destroy all culture and forms of diversity, and wages war on people of color, women and women's health, children's education, our lgbtqia friends and family, our government, our checks and balances, our environment, freedom and much much more.


Knowledge is power. Education is power. 


My goal is to make it easier to uncover their plan by providing an audio version to listen to in hopes that democrats, independents, republicans on-the-fence and anyone with even a pinch of empathy for others might listen and recognize the seriousness of the upcoming 2024 Election and VOTE BLUE to ensure this agenda never sees the light of day.


Project 2025 is an aggressive attack on America and we must use it to light a fire under every voter in the next year+ to ensure greater voter turnout than ever before from all generations. 

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